piwheels stats 2020Q3
Posted by Ben NuttallIn the period of July – September 2020, 4,492,796 packages were downloaded from piwheels, bringing the total to 26,171,957. This has saved 80 years in the period, and 384 years in total! There were 40,435,591 pip searches, 597,675 project page hits and 332,517 web page hits in the period.
August had the highest number of downloads (ever) with 1,737,186:

There was a sharp and largely sustained rise in downloads in early August, which seemed to be fuelled again by an OctoPrint upgrade. Downloads jumped from 36,444 on 3 August to a new all-time record of 77,267 on 5 August:

Downloads saved around between 23 and 30 years per month:

The top 10 downloads were:
- numpy (551,732)
- dogpile-cache (388,880)
- sentry-sdk (125,560)
- requests (106,192)
- octoprint-firmwarecheck (102,182)
- filetype (101,755)
- semantic-version (94,750)
- pyyaml (92,459)
- cython (74,871)
- markdown (67,303)
numpy is now the second package to surpass 1 million downloads, after pycparser. Incredibly, more than half of those were in the last three months!
The top 10 pip searches were:
- pip (5,540,997)
- wheel (3,418,343)
- setuptools (1,900,293)
- numpy (899,174)
- pyrogram (700,198)
- youtube-dl (610,228)
- requests (585,098)
- certifi (430,260)
- six (408,890)
- urllib3 (400,772)
The top 10 project page hits were:
- opencv-python (2,524)
- opencv-contrib-python (1,259)
- numpy (1,217)
- scipy (1,080)
- tensorflow (1,004)
- pip (645)
- opencv-python-headless (430)
- pillow (429)
- grpcio (412)
- pandas (318)
We just released a new JSON API a few days before the end of the quarter, so there are no interesting figures for that yet, but it’ll be interesting to see how that picks up. The most hit projects so far have been numpy and scipy, but it’s very early days.
Linux makes up 99.9% of all searches so I’ve discounted the rest. Raspbian / Raspberry Pi OS and Debian are now combined (due to Raspberry Pi OS identifying itself as Debian). This group obviously dominates with over 95%. Ubuntu remains in third place with under 2%, although we don’t officially support it.

Buster accounts for 79% of Raspbian/Debian usage, Stretch accounts for 21% and there’s practically no Jessie usage:

armv7l (Pi 2/3/4 platform) is still a majority architecture with 93% of searches from Arm devices, with armv6l (Pi 1/Zero) taking under 5%. Raspberry Pi recently released a beta of a 64-bit version of the official OS, so that’s bound to grow in usage from now on. It’s currently under 2%, and those users are currently not served by piwheels as we don’t build aarch64 platform wheels.

Python 3 has a reasonable majority of usage, and 3.7 (the version provided by the current stable distro) has the highest share with 51%. Python 2.7 comes second with 35%, followed by 3.5 (from oldstable), 3.8 and 3.6. Fortunately, Python 3.4 (in Jessie, now EOL) has an insignificant usage, but it’s a shame there’s still so much Python 2 usage.

We’re now also logging pip and setuptools versions:

Note that 18.1 is pre-installed in Buster, and 9.0.1 is pre-installed in Stretch. 20.1.1 is a recently released version, so likely the most common for people who update their pip.

Similarly, setuptools 40.8.0 is what’s pre-installed in Buster, but the version of pip in Stretch doesn’t send the setuptools version (33.1.1) in the user agent like it does in newer versions.
Check out the source of this post in a Jupyter notebook: github.com/piwheels/stats/blob/master/2020q3.ipynb